How we're tracking: an overview of our first 10 months

Tuesday 7 June 2016 at 12:54 am

How we're tracking: an overview of our first 10 months

More than 3000 advocacy and self-advocacy coaching services to people receiving compulsory mental health treatment have been provided in the first ten months since IMHA officially got underway.

As well, information and referral have been provided 5500 times. 

'We've now completed the setup of outposts in all 34 designated mental health services throughout Victoria, and building relationships with these services has been a continued focus,' said Helen Makregiorgos, IMHA Manager.  

'I have now met with them all to discuss how the outposts are working and initial themes that have been identified by advocates.

'The services have been engaged and open, and our discussions have been on how to continue to embed IMHA into their service and ensure consumers know we are there and the sort of support we can provide.'

'The majority of referrals to IMHA continue to be self-referrals. Victoria Legal Aid and mental health services are also making a significant number of  referrals.'

Helen said that the reasons people contact us continue to be similar to those we saw in our first three months of operation. 'The most common is wanting to be involved in decision about their treatment or wanting a medication change. This might be the type or dose of medication or they may wish for a review in how medication is administered.

'Other reasons people ask for our support are around issues in accessing leave; the wish for a second opinion or change of clinician; and needing legal advice and representation.'

Helen said that since the service beganr 156 information sessions have been provided to over 1550 people including consumers, carers, mental health service providers and others.

'We have also been working to implement our Evaluation and Monitoring Framework, including development of a client survey that could be accessed online but also completed with the support of people with a lived experience of mental illness,' Helen said.
