Let us know about your experiences with IMHA

Friday 8 September 2017 at 1:59 am

Let us know about your experiences with IMHA

Have you had an experience of IMHA as a consumer? Want to improve our services for future consumers?

If you’ve answered yes, we want to hear from you!

During September the Evaluation Team at RMIT University are hosting focus groups around Victoria to evaluate the quality of our services. As a person with a lived experience, you are an ideal candidate to provide the feedback we need.

Attend a focus group

The dates of the focus groups are: 

  • Bendigo – Thursday 21 September 2017 from 2–4 pm
  • Dandenong – Friday 22 September 2017 from  2–4 pm
  • Geelong – Tuesday 26 September 2017 from  2–4 pm
  • Melbourne CBD – Thursday 28 September 2017 from 12–2 pm

To attend, please contact RMIT via email on IMHAEvaluation@rmit.edu.au or call 0429 185 403 for further information.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated. The information you provide will be confidential and not shared with any third party.
