Mental Health Week 2018 seminar

Thursday 4 October 2018 at 3:24 am

Mental Health Week 2018 seminar

To celebrate Mental Health Week 2018, Victoria Legal Aid and Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA) are hosting a free 90-minute seminar on what the Mental Health Act 2014 says about rights-based mental health treatment. This event is aimed at staff including psychiatrists, case workers, doctors, nurses, peer workers and allied health professionals working in public mental health services.

What we will cover

  • Consumer rights and clinicians’ responsibilities under the Act
  • Supported decision making
  • Capacity and informed consent under the Act – definitions and processes
  • The legal framework for making compulsory treatment decisions
  • The specialist mental health legal and advocacy services provided by Victoria Legal Aid and the IMHA

What you will learn

  • An increased awareness of consumer rights under the Act
  • An increased awareness of your responsibilities under the Act
  • Some practical tools to support consumer rights and self-advocacy

Event details

When – Wednesday 10 October 2018, 6–7.30pm

Where – Level 12, 570 Bourke Street (Victoria Legal Aid, Melbourne office)

Cost – free (light refreshments provided)

RSVP by COB 9 October to or call (03) 9093 3701.

More information

For more information email or call (03) 9093 3701.
