Partnerships with Aboriginal service providers

Wednesday 6 September 2017 at 2:29 am

Partnerships with Aboriginal service providers

We are continuing to build stronger links with Indigenous services.

IMHA Manager Helen Makregiorgos said, 'We have prioritised working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander consumers, as they are often over represented in mental health services.

'This has meant linking with services and networks to increase awareness of our services. We have also developed an internal plan to improve our cultural sensitivity, acknowledging the importance of being able to provide responsive services to consumers who access us.

'Our advocates Lucy Ledger and Danni Flink were recently invited to present at the Victorian Indigenous Statewide Homeless Network Conference.'

Helen said, 'This was a great opportunity for us to learn more from the 50 Aboriginal workers present, as well as increase awareness of IMHA in the Aboriginal community.'

Left to right – Senior IMHA advocate, Lucy Ledger; Dan Laws, Co-ordinator, Victorian Indigenous Statewide Homeless Network; Danni Flink, IMHA advocate












More information

Read about the Victorian Indigenous Statewide Homelessness Network
