How to contact us if you have hearing or speech difficulties

If you are deaf, can’t hear well or have difficulty using your voice you can email us or contact us using the National Relay Service (NRS). We can help meet your communication needs and preferences.

How to contact us if you have hearing or speech difficulties

If you are deaf, can’t hear well or have difficulty using your voice you can use our online form or email us at We will get back to you between 9.30 am and 4.30 pm seven days a week.

You can also contact us using the National Relay Service (NRS). The NRS uses specially trained contact centre staff called relay officers. Relay officers act as the central link between people who are deaf, hard of hearing and/or have a speech impairment, and the person or organisation they are calling. A relay call allows you to communicate with another person while they use the phone, even if you can't hear or use your voice.

Watch our video – How IMHA can help and how to contact us (Auslan)

Learn more about your rights in Auslan.

Depending on your particular needs, you can choose one of the following relay call options.

Internet relay

This service is free apart from your normal internet connection. Calls can be made using:

Your call is answered by a relay officer. This relay officer will contact us on your behalf. If you can’t speak, the relay officer can become ‘your voice’ and read out your conversation. If you’re unable to hear, the relay officer can listen to the response from us and type it back for you to read.

All calls are confidential, and relay officers must respect your privacy.

TTY users

TTY users can call 133 677 and then ask for 1300 947 820.

Speak and listen users

Speak and listen users can call 1300 555 727 and then ask for 1300 947 820.

Text message users

Text message users can call by texting 0423 677 767 and asking to be connected with 1300 947 820.

Video relay users

To access the National Relay Service Video Relay Service Skype contact, type the following Skype link into your browser: You can use the video relay service to communicate using Auslan.

Other services for people with hearing or speech difficulties

  • Deaf Victoria is the peak advocacy body representing deaf and hard of hearing Victorians
  • the Disability Advocacy Resource Unit has a find an advocate webpage to help you find an advocate.
