Other services that can help

We have a list of mental health service providers, who can provide advice and referral information.

Other services that can help

Mental health services

The Department of Health is responsible for publicly funded mental health services.

They have a list of mental health service providers, who can provide advice and referral information.

Other services that may be able to help you are:

Other support services

Services for people who are or have experienced family violence and/or sexual assault:

Support with drug and alcohol addiction

  • Directline is a 24 hour telephone counselling, information and referral service for people wanting to discuss any alcohol or other drug related services. Call 1800 888 236.
  • Youth Support and Advocacy Service : Call 1800 458 685 for free confidential help
  • Family Drug Helpline is a 24 hour confidential telephone counselling service developed for families by families. Family members and friends can call 1300 660 068 for information, support, strategies and referrals
  • The Department of Health have a list of alcohol and drug addition services on their website.

Complaints about your mental health treatment

Our service can support you to have more say over your treatment, but other services can assist you to make a complaint about your mental health treatment:

  • The Mental Health Complaints Commissioner is a dedicated specialist complaints body which investigates and endeavours to resolve complaints about publicly funded mental health service providers.
  • The Health Complaints Commissioner helps people with concerns about their health service providers, including privacy of health information.
  • The Victorian Ombudsman enquires into or investigates administrative actions taken by a government department, public statutory authority, or any member of staff of a municipal council.
  • Community Visitors are volunteers who monitor and report on the adequacy of services provided in mental health services.

If you have not been treated fairly by the police you can make a complaint about police.

You can also make a complaint about harassment or discrimination, if this has happened to you.

Victoria Legal Aid has free information about the law and legal problems such as family breakdown and family violence, child support, Centrelink problems, fines and criminal matters. Victoria Legal Aid lawyers may also be able to provide representation at Mental Health Tribunal hearings.

The Mental Health Legal Centre provides a free and confidential legal service to anyone who has experienced mental illness in Victoria where their legal problem relates to their mental illness.

Your local community legal centre can give you legal information and advice. Most services are free.

The Law Institute of Victoria can refer you to a private lawyer who can give you legal advice and represent you in court.

You can also find a private lawyer near you through the Law Institute of Victoria’s Legal Referral Service. All law firms included in the Legal Referral Service provide a free 30-minute interview. If you book an interview, write your questions down beforehand, so you get as much out of the free 30 minutes as possible. If you discuss getting further help from the lawyer, make sure you know how much it will cost.

Guardianship and administration orders

The Office of the Public Advocate is an independent statutory office, working to promote the rights, interests and dignity of Victorians with a disability. It provides advice about advocacy, guardianship, powers of attorney, and consent to medical and dental treatment.

Victoria Legal Aid has further information about Guardianship and administration matters.
