Tell us not to contact you

You will need to provide identifying information about yourself so that we can make sure we:

  • don’t try to contact you, and
  • delete the information we receive about your compulsory treatment in future.

The information you provide us will be handled by our administration staff. You can find out how we handle personal information and protect your privacy.

How to tell us not to contact you

We will contact you unless you tell us not to. Tell us not to contact you by phone, email, post or completing the online form.

If you change your mind later and wish to be contacted by IMHA when you are receiving compulsory treatment, you can contact us.


Call 03 9093 3701

Paper form

Complete the paper form and send it to or via post.

Postal address:

Independent Mental Health Advocacy
GPO Box 4380

The paper form is available in IMHA design or First Nations design. Contact us for the paper form available in 20 community languages.

IMHA tell us not to contact you form
Word 620.64 KB
(opens in a new window)
IMHA tell us not to contact you form – First Nations design
Word 1.07 MB
(opens in a new window)

Online form

Use this form to tell us not to contact you.

This is a unique number that all consumers accessing public designated mental health services are assigned. We use this number to make sure we identify you correctly. If you don’t know your SWURN, you can ask your mental health and wellbeing service, or contact IMHA for information on who to ask.
