When do we contact you

As of 1 September 2023, the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022 (Vic)(opens in a new window) states that we will be notified at key points when you are receiving compulsory treatment.

We will contact you unless you have told us not to. When we contact you, we will explain what we do, and you can decide if you want our services. You can tell us not to contact you.

If you change your mind later and wish to be contacted by IMHA when you are receiving compulsory treatment, you can contact us.

Watch our video – Who is Independent Mental Health Advocacy?

When will IMHA be notified?

IMHA will be notified if:

  • you are placed on a temporary treatment order, or a treatment order, including if you are a forensic or security patient
  • your temporary treatment order, or treatment order, has been varied from community to inpatient or inpatient to community
  • your temporary treatment order, or treatment order, has been revoked or cancelled
  • you have a Mental Health Tribunal hearing scheduled
  • a restrictive intervention is used, such as if you are put in seclusion, or are physically or chemically restrained
  • your order is varied to transfer you for treatment at another designated mental health service
  • your right to communicate has been restricted.

If you are a security patient, IMHA will also be notified if:

  • you are received at, or transported to, a designated mental health service
  • you are discharged back to prison.

If you are a forensic patient, IMHA will also be notified if:

  • you are transported to a designated mental health service, except if the Forensic Leave Panel approves the transport or is otherwise directed by an authorised body
  • your psychiatrist or the Chief psychiatrist directs you to be transported to another designated mental health service
  • Forensicare applies to the Mental Health Tribunal for an intensive monitored supervision order, if and when this order is made.
